
Rosacea (ro-ZER-sha) is a skin condition common to light and fair-skinned people of European descent, particularly women aged 30 to 60. Rosacea is characterized by flushing and redness on the face, particularly across the cheeks, nose, and forehead. It can also appear on the neck and chest. If left untreated, rosacea can manifest in the form of dilated blood vessels, rough or coarse skin, and inflammations that resemble acne. These symptoms can often be accompanied by a burning or stinging sensation and can develop into a red, bulbous nose called rhinophyma, which can only be treated with surgery.

Type of Rosacea

  • Phymatous rosacea is most often associated with rhinophyma and is characterized by thickening, lumpy, enlarged, and/or irregular skin. It can also develop on the chin, forehead, ears, and eyelids. Spider veins commonly develop as well.
  • Erythematotelangiectatic rosacea is characterized by a permanent redness and often flushness triggered by stress, alcohol, hot spices, temperature extremes, physical exertion, and so on. Often spider veins are apparent, and the skin is typically dry with occasional itching and burning sensations.
  • Ocular rosacea, as the name implies, affects the skin around the eyes and eyelids. Symptoms may include red, dry, irritated skin accompanied by strange bodily sensations, itching, and/or burning. Ocular rosacea typically manifests before or at the same time as other skin conditions.
  • Papulopustular rosacea is often confused with acne due to its red and/or pus-filled bumps, similar to pimples. Spider veins may also appear. Papulopustular rosacea typically affects middle-aged, light-skinned women.
Since rosacea primarily affects light to fair-skinned people, prevention is more essential to them. Therefore, it is best to avoid long-term exposure to the sun or any activity which may damage, irritate, or inflame the skin.