Aging and Stress Factor

Stress has been closely linked to the development of age-related diseases and the aging process as well. The stress response is basically a complicated adaptive reaction in the body. Without stress response, the body would not survive, particularly in emergencies such as infection, injury, or immediate danger.

A key factor of stress is that it invokes a rapid mobilization of energy reserves and increases the level of stimulation and fuel to the; brain, muscles, heart, and other vital organs for immediate survival. Basically, stress is a biological overdrive mechanism. It is essential but at the same time can wear down the body. If the stress response isn't strong enough in an emergency situation, the organism either suffers greater damage or even dies. The excessive stress response is also not a good thing as it can be a damaging force in itself, causing disease and a sped-up aging process. Prolonged or excessive stress can raise levels of free radicals, speed up the breakdown of proteins, slow the immune system, and promote burnout in neurons, and so on. Thus, the aging process is directly or directly driven by stress.

Anti-aging products fighting against stress-driven damage

Many studies of animals have proved that there is an optimal level of the stress response. This optimal point can actually be a key to longevity. As we grow older, we slowly lose the ability to maintain an optimal stress response, and we become less adaptable to negative stress-related forces. The lowering of stress resistance can speed up aging. Therefore, stress management and optimization of stress response must be a part of any serious anti-aging strategy.

Aging is a complex set of processes that involve a diverse group of conditions and reactions. This is why the aging process has been challenging to define; it is also why there are multiple theories on it. However, aging processes can be divided into two groups: the amassing various degrees of damage to the cells and the genetically programmed process.
Free radicals are the chemicals in the body that have an unpaired electron. This means that they are very dangerous as they can behave in an erratic manner which can be very damaging to the effective functioning of the body.
DNA is the critical molecule of life: it is the blueprint of the creature encoded in the genes. DNA is an indispensable part of the cell. Other parts of the cells, such as proteins, lipids, and RNA, can be replaced if need be. DNA, if lost or damaged, cannot be replaced.
Cells of higher organisms like birds or mammals work slightly differently. Until the middle of the 20th century, it was believed that cells in all species could also live forever.
Is there a centralized aging clock in humans that dictates the pace at which all bodily systems run? Yes and No... Studies have not yet found a specific central mechanism that is solely responsible for aging.
Certain substances that contribute to the aging process can be avoided. A good example of this is tobacco tar. Other contributory substances are not as easily avoided as they are key parts of the metabolism. The best example of this is glucose.
The majority of energy that is produced in the cells is done by the mitochondria. Cell function is dependent on the mitochondria providing energy to the rest of the system. Mitochondria are also the main factor behind free radical damage.
One of the most important defense mechanisms in the body is inflammation. It is a key to survival but at the same time appears to add to the pace of aging and the speed of the onset of degenerative diseases.
The body's metabolism produces waste regularly. The majority of bodily waste is expelled through breathing, urine, feces, and sweat. The most easily disposable waste is composed of small molecules like urea, carbon dioxide, and electrolytes.
There are two commonly asked questions about the lifespan of humans. The first is why does the rate of aging differ so dramatically among different species of animals? The second one is why are there more short-lived species than long-lived ones?
Wellness gurus will tell you that many herbs and supplements can slow down the aging process. But, unfortunately, the media and advertisers can't tell you much of anything.
The greater our comprehension of the aging process the more ways that scientists find to try to extend the average life span. Ironically, the most effective means of anti-aging intervention has been the same for the past 50 years; eating less!!